Tiptoe Through The Tulips

FA Sierra Dall, 2011
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Tiptoe Through The Tulips starts left of the nadir of Pulpit Rock in a water groove with bolts (which seem to have been removed as of 5/14/13). There are 3 variations (Griff-Orama, TTTT, and

Shroom Groove

) once you get to the 2nd bolt (which seems to have been removed as of 5/14/13). The center bolt line is the Tiptoe.... There is a crux slab move after the 3rd bolt (which seems to have been removed as of 5/14/13). If you force the line up the slab higher, it'll feel at least 5.9. If you use the obvious left groove/flake, it will be easier. At the 10th bolt (which seems to have been removed as of 5/14/13), there is an obvious ledge / belay stance with a bolt (which seem to have been removed as of 5/14/13) that can be supplemented with a green / blue Alien, 5.8+, ~80'. You may get weird rope drag over this roof.

You can downclimb to the anchors on

Vegetative State

to rappel, scramble off to the left, or continue up the rock either going into the chimney above, 5.6 PG-13?, or left into the crack system for another 2 pitches, 5.8+ PG-13.


This starts to the left of the nadir of Pulpit Rock in a water groove.


10 bolts (which seem to have been removed as of 5/14/13), small cams to back up the anchor.